Senin, 11 Maret 2013

Arya ngapain aja sich hari ini... ;)

hap hap hap, pagi-pagi buta ane sudah nyampe lab (jam setengah 9 itu subuh bagi kami gan... :D)

Sampai lab langsung disambut sama temen lab ane yang paling unyu sedunia (lha wong cuman 1 gan... :D)

Gak lama setelah itu, ane langsung beraksi, jadi agent OHP babeh ane gan... :D

agak siang dikit, ane jadi double agent, kali ini merangkap sebagai agent fotocopy... :D

Nah, sambil fotocopy, sambil hangout di office, sambil iseng-iseng bercengkrama sama mbak-mbak unyu office... ;)

Kelar ngagent (mission accomplished gan... :D), besiap siaplah ane buat jadi pak guru Oemar Bakri... :D

Abis beres-beres persiapan, ane balik ke lab, eh di lab lagi rame cewek-cewek unyu-unyu lagi pada gosip (lab ane chicks magnet gan sekarang...:D)

Karena sudah masuk jam makan siang, seperti biasa gan ane BBM (Basa Basi Mesra) an ama labmate ane, ane tanya udah makan belum? mau makan siang di mana? ;)

Eh ternyata doi and the gang mau makan di kantin, yowes ngikuuuttt.. ;)

Kalo boleh ane sebutin dua hal yang paling ane demenin di dunia ini gan, 1. jalan berdua sama cewek, 2. jalan rame-rame sama cewek-cewek... ;)

coba bayangin ya gan, agan makan siang di kantin yang ruame banget, dan agan ada di antara cewek-cewek unyu-unyu, dan mereka gegosip gan! Ngerumpi gan! Bahasa Korea gan! :D

Berunyung ane udah kenal ama cewek-cewek ini gan (atau karena ane charming? nobody knows gan... ;) ), jadi ya gak cengok ane gan, keep cool and charming as usual lah gan, dan gak ketinggalan keluar lawakan-lawakan segar ala polisi india dari ane gan... ;)

Selesai haha hihi sama cewek-cewek, eng ing eng, waktunya ane memberi pelajaran mahasiswi-mahasiswi unyu gan!:cool

ah, sebenernya udah hopeless banget ane gan, secara mata kuliahnya praktikum pengecoran logam gan (ngarepin ada yang unyu-unyu udah kaya ngarepin Torres ngegolin pas chelsea lawan barce tahun lalu... which he did... :D)

Satu per satu murid ane berbatangan, eh berdatangan gan (kenyataannya emang batang semua gan... :D)

setelah cukup banyak murid-murid ane yang udah ngumpul, tanpa ba bi bu langsung ane briefing gpl gan! huh!

Di tengah-tengah briefing, eh ada yang ketuk pintu trus masuk, 1 orang cewek unyu, Alhamdulillah tombo ngantuk... ;)
Gak lama setelah itu, ada yang ketok lagi, eh 1 lagi yang unyu-unyu, aduh terharu ane gan... :D

So, berkat dua cewek unyu tersebut (yang cukup berdiri nonton aja gak ngapa-ngapain selama praktikum), alhasil kelas praktikum ane berjalan dengan lancar tanpa perselisihan dan tawuran gan... :D

Babeh ane sempet sidak kelas ane juga gan, untung ane semangat 45 ngajarnya (Thanks girls... *gestur han young han (sorry gan, yang ini kalangan lokal doang yang ngerti)... :D), jadi babeh ane manggut-manggut doang gan (lagian ane cuekin juga kok, fokus ane udah ada yang booking! :D)

Ohya, fyi, pas ane ngajar, ane dicariin sama mbak unyu lab lantai 3, dan dengan penuh wibawa ane bilang, "I am very busy right now! Meet me in my lab 30 minutes later!" :cool

Selesai kelas, ane langsung meluncur ke lab, BBM an lagi sama labmate unyu... ;)

eh lagi asik-asiknya BBM an, datanglah malapetaka itu...

Datang dari pintu depan, hyoung lab lantai 3... Jeng Jeng... Doi nyari data yang ane gak tau ada di mana... Jeng Jeng... Eh pas doi lagi di dalem lab ane... Jeng Jeng... Babeh ane masuk... Jeng Jeng...

Gara-gara tau ada masalah, babeh ane yang tadinya mau muji muji ane gan (asumsi akut... :D) malah jadi kumat deh itu penyakit palli-palli complexnya... :D

Alhasil, ane langsung bertransformasi jadi aslab SIAGA(Siap Asal Gajian gan... ;) )

Okay karena asumsi ane datanya ada di dalem hard disk internal yang komputernya udah rusak, dengan sigap langsung ane singsingkan lengan baju, ane kulik itu komputer... :cool

Dalam situasi yang lagi genting dan tegang seperti ini, setelah babeh ane capcus, labmate ane tampil dan mencairkan suasana...

Bagaikan seorang dewi, doi menawarkan permen karet ke si hyoung dan ane, si hyoung ambil dua, dan karena ane masih sibu, ane teriak "Not now!"...
Eh, malah doi nyamperin dan nyuapin permen karetnya gan... aaa emmm... ;)

Satu setengah jam, penuh determinasi, ane utak atik berhadiah itu harddisk, dan hasilnya nol besar (akhirnya ane bawa itu hard disk ke lab temen ane, gak sampe 10 menit udah keluar itu file-file, walopun data yang dicari gak ada... :cool).

Attraction is always mutual by default,


Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

What Can I Say...

It all started around one year ago. So there was this girl. She was so amazing, hmmm, I will write a story of us later... ;). Well, long story short, she made me read and believe zodiac...
Yes, guys, zodiac! Can you believe that?! :D

She really did believe that nature and disposition of a person has a relation with their zodiac!

Ridiculous? I know right?! :D

But, after some observations, I realized that at some point, there was a correlation between person's personality and their zodiac, I don't know how they did it, I just believe it. Well, thanks to her, I do sometimes judge people based on their horoscope! :D

I am a cancer,

The most sensitive man and the weakest emotional type in all Zodiac. Most Artists are Cancer. Cancer is controlled by the "Moon" and the moon change it's shape daily, so Cancer man's emotional and moods change all the time too. You will confuse with him and yet it is his constantly changes that "Charm" you. He never go to get what he wants directly, but he will wait for a chance and opportunity to do so. Once he gets what he wants, he will not loose it, except if he get tired of it by himself.

The most sensitive man who can not stand rejection. He cares what other people feel or think of him. He hates loosing face and he tends to over protected himself, so sometimes people might think he is a cold person.

Gifted, creative, imaginative, is Cancer. A mystery and complexity play a major role in a life of a Cancer man. He could be very funny, very quiet, suddenly very sad. Living with him could be very unexpected, for you will not know what is his next mood. If you like excitement and surprise, you have the right guy and never have a chance to get bored.

He thinks of his home as "nest" and it is the safest place for him. If he feels hurt or depress he will stay at home alone quietly. Once he feels better, he will come out of his retreat and lives normally again. Being a looser is not him.

It is so easy to fall in love with this guy because he is gentle and a very polite guy. His wit and creative mind could win your affection. He will come out from his nest to protect you even if he is not opening himself up to other people much. Not many people will win his heart. His security is only when he has money in his pocket. Once he feels secure then he might think of having a happy family. Even he likes to make and keep money, he is not stingy. Spending money is part of his good image, so he will be happy to spent money to take you out to a very expensive restaurant or buy a jewelry for you. Certainly when he has money OK.

He is possessive to everything's that he thinks belong to him. Don't try to talk to another cute guy in front of him, he will get suspicion because he is not very secure or confident in himself for this kind of competition.

Once you know each other too much, he will start to look for new excitement, but not to worry for he will always think of you. If he thinks you are the true love for him, and you try once to disappear. You will be sure he will come and look for you.

He is a shy guy, but if he likes you. You can get up in the morning and see that he is in front of your house everyday till you go out with him, a very persistent guy.

He likes a secure, cheerful and lively woman, confident but at the same time always act proper and appropriate. He likes a secure woman, but able to adjust to his rapid changes. A very difficult type to find woman indeed.

In the beginning, you and him will be so sugary sweet together and he will only think of you. This so "super romantic" will not last forever, so don't slip this chance. If you are the one who want his interest, then act and make yourself interesting. Be a supportive person and give him compliment sometimes, but not too much till he thinks you are not sincere.

Unlike many other Zodiac, if he is mad then you better get out of that room. He will calm down by himself. Giving him a slight touch on his shoulders or concerned facial __ex-pression are enough. He loves his mother, so try to be his mother favorite, but do not act like his mother!

Well, I am a cancer, what can I say... ;)


Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday!
I just want to say, happy birthday to you!
Be happy, always! :)

PS : Her favorite color was sky blue... :)

I wish I could... nevermind,


Minggu, 30 September 2012

Always Remember

Okay guys, I just want to tell you this,

When you're working so hard, chasing your dream, always remember that there always someone watching, someone who's going to be influenced by your action. When you feel "too tired" to continue, know that by pushing through, you're showing him how to keep fighting when he doesn't think he can. When you could accomplish a very difficult task, you're proving to the person next to you that it's possible to do something that once felt impossible.

Have personal goals and motivations, but always remember she's watching, someone you know, but aren't even very close to you. She's taking mental notes, creating a belief system based on your actions. What you do and don't do affects lives!

You're living to grow and change, not only yourself, but those around you. You're touching more people than you'll ever know, so do it with character, discipline, passion, and a willingness to strive further than most believe is possible. Show the world that anything is attainable the second you say it is.

If you're sick and tired of where you are, change it! No more whining, no more excuses, do something about it. You deserve it, your family deserves it, and the people watching you achieve it (who you may not know are watching) deserve to be shown it can be done!

And make sure that you do it with class and style ;),


Sabtu, 22 September 2012

This Conversation

Hello guys, what up?! ;)

In this post I would like to share a simple conversation between a boy and the Magic Genie (not literally, I just love to use the word "Magic Genie" :D)...
Enjoy! ;)

Magic Genie : I will grant you one wish, what is your wish?
Boy : I want to study abroad!
Magic Genie : Well, where do you want to study?
Boy : Meh, that's not important, anywhere will do the trick... ;)
Magic Genie : Alright then, your wish is my command!
Boom! There he is, casted away in South Korea... :D

What I am trying to say is, detail plays an important role in the process of manifestation. If you want something, make sure that you visualize it in detail. Details really matter, what does it look like? how does it smell? Is there a taste? Is it painted with a specific color? Who will be the first person you call when it's achieved? And so on...

If you know the correct way of seeing something in your mind then it will manifest in the world around. I believe with 100% certainty that what we "see" in our thoughts will be brought to life. If we visualize that "it" will never happen, and we add enough real emotion to that visual, it will most likely never happen. On the other hand, if we "see" what we want and make it real enough in our mind, it will surely happen. Knowing that what we see in our mind's eye will actually manifest is extremely fascinating.

So, don't be afraid to aim as high as you can, visualize in every details as you already have it, always do your best to manifest it, and never settle for less! ;)

What you see is what you get,
